How to train your students
in 21st Century skills

Integrating four skills
in our virtual classes

Motivation and attention
in the virtual classroom

Teaching Young Learners online

Professional development
for teachers in the “new normal”

Evaluation and Assessment
when teaching online

Essential techniques
for exam success

Engaging teens?
Not all about technology...

Grammar and
Language Acquisition

E-certificate Webinar 2:
How to be an Effective Teacher

Popular American names that
students pronounce incorrectly

Joanne Mitten:
Storytelling for Young Learners

Teaching online - if the tech fails and structuring lessons

Course for Teachers:
"Online Teaching: Interactivity"

Teacher Preparation Pathway

Modern Linguistics

Simple future: how do we REALLY talk about the future in English?

Time Management Tips
for Teachers

Useful tips to improve
your classroom management

Make a game out of fluency!
Gamification for automaticity

What about the
fifth skill of viewing?

Can children be
self-directed learners?

Do you know what it takes to advance your students’ learning?

Motivating teenagers
in exam classes

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